Friday, July 30, 2010

Menomena "Mines"- a totally biased record review

Guess who is getting the 2nd ever Karte Blanch Blue Ribbon?? No, not me, but that was a good guess. This KBBR (and tallboy of PBR) goes to Portland Indie rock trio, Menomena, for their glorious new album, Mines.

The album represents a progression for the band. It is definitely their most polished and grown up sounding record, to date. Because all 3 members work in (relative) isolation, the listener gets 3 different points of view combined into a single album. The result is a wildly creative and gorgeous album that takes you from head banging, to crying alone in your bedroom in the span of less than an hour.

Of course, in great Menomena tradition, the packaging for this record is amazing! Their previous records have been packaged in origami, flip books, & Grammy nominated artwork by Craig Thompson. When you unfold the CD or LP case for Mines, it becomes a Stereoscopic 3D image. I've seen it, and it really works! How clever! Don't be a fool and illegally download this one. You'll want to see it in person!

Overall, Menomena is one of those super-talented groups that is really pushing the envelope of what music can and should sound like. Mines is an album that, once heard, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. It is that phenomenal. If you have a brain that is capable of 1. hearing & 2. interpreting heard sounds as music, then you will be impressed with Mines. I suggest that everyone run out and buy a copy RIGHT NOW!!

Menomena did an in store performance at Music Millennium in Portland on Tuesday. Here is a photo of the show, as well as a drawing that Craig Thompson made of the experience.

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