Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brent's Gazebo - Hanover, New Hampshire

I'll begin this blog post with a simple question: How many gazebos do you have?
If you answered 0, then HA! my boyfriend has you beat!
If you answered 1 or more, I'll rephrase the question:
How many gazebos do you have that have been erected on the campus of a prestigious Ivy League college at your request? 
Is it zero?  Would you say you have exactly zero ivy league gazebos? 
Yeah, that's what I thought.  Basically, don't test Brent's gazebo having abilities, because, although you wouldn't know it by visiting his house, Brent can completely annihilate you in a gazebo brag-a-thon. "How?" you might be asking yourself....

Well, the legend goes that in the year 2000, Brent Knopf, a gazebo-loving senior at Dartmouth, was fed up with the lack of shaded outdoor spaces available to students.  There was nowhere on campus where one could sit and study outside without having to purchase a coffee beverage or pastry.  So Brent approached the Dartmouth administration and pleaded the case for a gazebo on campus.   Brent's winning idea cut right through the red tape and bureaucracy usually involved when proposals cross the desks of university administrators, and 3 months later, a gazebo was erected behind the senior apartments.  Brent's very own gazebo dream had become a reality almost as beautiful as it was in his imagination.   I could hardly believe this fairy tale, until I saw the gazebo with my own eyes.

Please enjoy this series of photos I took with Brent, upon returning to visit his gazebo 11 years after its erection.   Oh, um, I mean construction.

 The 'This is my gazebo, bitch!' pose
 The 'Check out my gazebo' jig (part 1)

 The 'Check out my gazebo' jig (part 2) 

 Welcome to my lovely gazebo

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